BOMBS AWAY! Everyone is trying to get cool during the current heatwave, whether it be under a sprinkler, in the backyard with a slip-n-slide, at one of the waterholes or here at the local pool. I’ve got great memories of the Mudgee pool – sunbaking, doing backflips off the diving boards and eating lots of icecream!
Today I took my cousins to the pool and they were just as excited. The pool is a wonderful asset to town and so it’s great to see the current renovations unfolding.
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Great to see the pool being enjoyed so well! An in a great photo too…
Council agrees that pools in mudgee, kandos and gulgong are all great assets to the region.
Thanks for being patient while the AMENITIES buildings are finished,
Comment by Mid-Western regional council — January 14, 2013 @ 9:32 pm